Domènec EN RESiDÈNCiA at the Institut La Bastida

From 23 May to 9 June 2024

Zainab Ali Ahmed Bib, Nereida Bueno Gil, Diarara Fan, Natalia Gálvez Vallecillos, Maria Garrido Costarrosa, Aitor Gutierrez Santiago, Daniela Jiménez Claure, Aitana Jiménez Suero, Lin Linglong, Andrea Natalia Lopez Vasquez, Alicia Marchena Torres, Martina Moreno, Habib Urrehman Rafiq Naz, Daniyal Tariq Amin, Pau Valls Mena, Xinyi A Zhang, Adriana Zamora Carranza, Shasha Zheng, Senjie Yechen (pupils), and Irene Acevedo, Maria Roger and Maria Rosa Pintor (teachers).

A group of pupils in the third year of compulsory secondary education at the Institut La Bastida in Santa Coloma de Gramenet have worked with the artist Domènec over the course of this academic year. During these months of shared work and knowledge, they have travelled the city, considered the history of Santa Coloma, drawn edifices and made models of their ideal homes.

Basing themselves on the premise of a ‘home for all’ and taking the shapes of the school building as their starting point, they have designed this item of furniture intended as somewhere to be, think and work, but above all as a comfortable space where it is possible to feel at ease in the company of others.

‘The Barge: A Place for All’ is also the legacy these pupils want to leave the school where they have pursued their secondary education. A legacy of words, proposals and memories.

Carried out within the framework of the fifteenth edition of the Artistes EN RESiDÈNCiA in schools programme mounted by the Barcelona Institute of Culture, the Barcelona Education Consortium and the El Besòs Consortium, and designed in partnership with the A Bao A Qu Association. Domènec’s residence at the Institut La Bastida was curated and co-ordinated by the A Bao A Qu Association with the support of Santa Coloma de Gramenet City Council.

Visit the website for more information about EN RESiDÈNCiA