Cati Bestard
Curated by Marta Sesé

Un desordre distint (A Different Disorder)

From 16 July to 29 September 2024. Espai Capella

Artists: Mercedes Azpilicueta, Cati Bestard, Black Quantum Futurism, Pauline Boudry & Renate Lorenz, Noela Covelo Velasco, Jaume Pitarch, rogerserretricou and Helena Vinent


Repudiating the linearity of history, turning the gaze away from a fixed horizon. Losing one’s bearings in order to question a stable paradigm that modernity – understood as a Western project of civilisation – legitimised by regularising the meanings of experience and by defining the concepts of subject and object, time and space. A Different Disorder seeks to build a possible ‘outside in order to rebel against Order’. The works in this exhibition put up resistance to various orders, proposing a series of strategies – through the championing of failure, crip-queer temporalities and non-linear historical revisions – that make it possible to point to a plurality of other experiences.


Marta Sesé (Lleida, 1992) works and researches from the practice of curatorship, editing and art criticism. Her interests focus on the critical examination of imaginaries, resistance to homogenisation of aesthetics and experience, temporalities and their connection to matter and the construction of forms of belonging. She is currently an editorial coordinator at MACBA and writes for various magazines specialising in contemporary culture. She is also co-founder of the project Higo Mental. She has been present with her projects in institutions and spaces such as the Museo Patio Herreriano, Fabra i Coats: Centre d’Art Contemporani, CA2M, MNAC, Conde Duque, Homesession, Dilalica, Akademin Valand, Can Felipa and Arts Santa Mònica, among others.