Kill sound before sound kills you: the political phenomenology of noise
Dani Montlleó

Kill sound before sound kills you: the political phenomenology of noise

Wednesday March 21, 2018

Talk “Kill sound before sound kills you”, by Arnau Horta. Presented by Alexandra Laudo.

Presentation of the publication “The Jinx and the Revolution (The Jinxed Revolution)”, by Dani Montlleó.

The talk “Kill sound before sound kills you” will address the role of sound and listening in the production, codifying and administration of various political and social spaces. We will be analysing the disciplinary and subliminal uses of sound (from Muzak to torture and including non-lethal sonic weapons), as well as its subversive and rebellious potential.

Dani Montlleó will talk about the publication related to his project “The Jinx and the Revolution (The Jinxed Revolution)”, at Sala Gran of La Capella untill April 1st.

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