Holobiontes, simbiontes y otras sutilezas – Genealogía tra(n)shumante de bichos de compañía (Holobionts, Symbionts and Other Subtleties – Tra(n)shumant Genealogy of Companion Bugs)
A speculative exercise that travels through our transoceanic genealogies, exiled and migrated between Abya Yala and Europe, so as to recognise ourselves among companion bugs. It develops from a transdisciplinary, transfeminist and anticolonial perspective in multiple formats and critically returns to methodologies from biology and anthropology. Genealogy is a journey through five of our generations, but what we are going to recount are the lives of the bugs that accompany people. Who are these companion bugs? Living beings from all kingdoms: bacteria, fungi, plants and symbiotic beings, among others. Bugs journeying in the body of the human animal and on the objects we carry, travelling in the air or with other non-human animals, fermenting bread or the food we eat.
Ce Quimera is an artist and researcher raised in Argentina who has lived in Europe since 2000. She created the Quimera Rosa laboratory in 2008 together with Kina Madno. Her work focuses on developing performances and installations, transdisciplinary projects and scientific research from a trans*feminist, anticolonial perspective. Artist in residence at the Hangar Wetlab. She is a member of Pluriversidad Nómada, an educational project at the crossroads of the arts, technosciences and ecologies.
Instagram: @cequimera
txe roimeser (Girona, 1991) is an artist in residence at Hangar. Since 2018, living with/in failure, an investigation developed as part of the MUECA master’s degree that accompanies her methodologies and daily life from a transfeminist practice through the use of fissures and peripheries to generate errors that demonstrate powers and fictions.