Cançó i ball per a una font (Song and Dance for a Fountain)
Beneath the Gran Teatre del Liceu, fifty metres below the Rambla, lies El Cagalell lake. The water from this lake occupied part of the surface area of the Ciutat Vella eight thousand years ago, and it was the place chosen by the first Barcelonians who settled there during the Neolithic period. Twenty-nine years ago, following the fire at the Liceu, the water from the lake re-emerged on the city surface through a series of channels and ended up dancing at the Magic Fountain of Montjuïc.
The project aims to explain this watery connection between the two facilities through a musical composition and dance.
Irena Visa (Banyoles, 1985) holds a Degree in Audiovisual Communication, studied sculpture at La Llotja and has a Master in Artistic Production and Research from the University of Barcelona. Her artistic practice is often interested in signs indicating hypothetical phenomena within the context of a museum, as well as in natural, urban and artistic environments. Her work has been shown at the Fundació Tàpies, Fabra i Coats, Espai Bòlit, Centre d’Arts Santa Mònica, Centre d’Art Maristany, MAC Mataró and Casa de Cultura in Girona, among others. In recent years, she has also worked as a stage playwright with the Contenidos Superfluos collective and has been resident at the Centre d’Arts Santa Mònica.